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CSY-003. A visual that tracks the effectiveness of an intervention program for at-risk youth.


SAYA Mentorship Program Attendance Tracker | Data Visualization by David White


STAKEHOLDER’S PROBLEM: “We need a simple way to monitor the effectiveness of our intervention program.”

South Asian Youth Action (SAYA) is a 501(c)3 youth development organization based in Queens, NY. SAYA’s mission is to foster a strong sense of belonging in youth and provide them with tools to thrive academically, professionally and personally. It currently serves more than 1,500 kindergarten through college-aged youths throughout the City of New York.

As part of NYC’s Community Schools Initiative, SAYA partnered with Richmond Hill High School to operate a mentorship program designed to target at-risk students to improve their school attendance and prevent dropouts. Each week, SAYA’s program administrators and the school’s staff members who were serving as mentors, met to review student data and collaborate on ways they could better support the students enrolled in the mentorship program.

When I began attending the weekly meetings, I saw that each week, mentors were being presented with a large amount of data delivered in a spreadsheet format. The data was very dense and difficult to read. From looking at the spreadsheet, it was very difficult for the mentors to discern exactly what the data was saying about their mentees. Also, since the data was granular (line-by-line) and not summarized, it was very difficult to compare the mentees to the overall student body or to examine subgroups of students within the mentorship program. To solve these problems, I designed and built a visualization, that was updated each week, that showed at a glance the current status and the weekly progress of the students in the SAYA intervention program.

Work Process:

Here’s the design process I used to complete this project—

See this gallery in the original post

Final Results: