1g. Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about MSM Design services: data visualization, interactive data dashboards, custom responsive web design

frequently asked questions

+ What’s the meaning of your company’s name “Mister Shepherd Media”?

You’re probably wondering what’s the meaning of the name “Mister Shepherd”. Well, when I was a kid my grandad gave me the nickname Mister Shepherd because in the Bible, David was a shepherd boy. I took the name Mister Shepherd Media (or MSM for short) as my company’s moniker to honor my grandad and the things he taught me.

+ How much do you charge for your services?

My rates are flexible and depend on the particulars of a given project. My pricing is competitive with other professionals of similar skill and experience.

However, that being said, it’s very important to me that my work contributes to helping people and making things better. So, if you’re a nonprofit organization or a purpose-driven solopreneur please contact me and, if we’re a good match for each other, we can make arrangements to work together on a sliding fee scale.

+ Can you show me some examples of your work?


+ Can you send me a copy of your resume?

Of course. You can view and download a PDF copy of my resume here.

+ I have an idea for a project I’d like to discuss with you. Can we set up a meeting?

Yes, I’d be happy to do that. Please feel free to schedule a free consultation at a time that works best for you.

+ Where do you get inspiration for your designs?

I’m inspired by art, nature (which is why I live close to the beach) and by people who are working to make the world a better place in any way, big or small.

Here are some books that have inspired me and informed my practice:

And here are a few of the visual artists and designers whose work has inspired me:

+ I heard that you have a background in music. Is that true?

Yes. I graduated from the Conservatory of Music at Purchase College. When I’m not writing code or building dashboards, I compose music for and lead my own jazz orchestra, the David White Jazz Orchestra.

+ I have a question that’s not mentioned here. What’s the best way to contact you?

The best way to contact me is by email at: david@msmdesign.nyc. If you have an idea for a project please fill out this short questionnaire to get started.